2007年4月10日 星期二

Solve problems by ourselves

When confronting problems, we often ask others for help at first. But I think that the most important thing we should do first is trying to deal with problems by ourselves. With doing it, we can become mature. Correspondingly, if we love someone, we can't replace him or her to deal with any problem but provide a little help at the adequate time. And then he or she can grow to maturity.

2007年4月1日 星期日

A difference of one

The story talks about a high school basketball team player, Joe, lost a game and a science text by one point. After the game, he went home and prepared the science test. But he really felt so tired; therefore, he decided to take a nap. As he woke up, it had been 7 o'clock in the morning. He barely went to school on time. Then the science test began. Of course he didn't understand any question on the test paper. The next day, the grade was announced. Joe was disappointed because he failed the test by only one point. He talked to the teacher, Mrs. Wright, to ask her for help. Mrs. Wright said "Joe, you have to study harder. When the game you played lost by one point, can you ask the referee for help?" Then Joe was silent and understood what Mrs. Wright said.

When failing on something, the most important thing we should do is not to request others to accommodate us but to ask ourselves why we failed. Try to find the reason and solve it. Though losing by just little difference, we still fail, it is a fact. We have to do everything harder rather than ask other people for help. We must change our attitude first as confronting troubles, and then we can learn more things in every problem.

The greatest invention

Topic sentence: Internet is the greatest invention for me.

1st reason: comfortable to surf the latest information
2nd reason: find fast all the data I need
3rd reason: to book the tickets which my favorite singer's concert

Including sentence: Internet makes me that though I don't go out; I still can do a lot of things in home.