2007年3月31日 星期六

Amelia Bedelia

"Amelia Bedelia"is written by Peggy Parish. There is a couple, the Rogers. One day, they went out after making a list of housework to Amelia Bedelia. First, she wanted to make a surprise for her folks, so she made a lemon-meringue pie. Then she watched the list which wrote the thing she had to do first was changing the towels in the bathroom. She didn't know what it means, so she changed them with a scissors. And then she made many things which were from the instructions on the list. When the Rogers came home, they cried because their house was in a mess. They felt angry, but as they tasted the lemon-meringue pie she made, they seemed to forget about angry.

My favorite part is that Amelia Bedelia dressed the steak and chicken by ribbons not by sauce. It really looks very funny.

My reflection about this story is that when witting something to others, we have to write more clearly. Don't make misunderstanding to anyone.

2007年3月25日 星期日


The story of Tom's diner

One morning, Suzanne sat at the diner on the corner. She waited for the waiter to bring her coffee. Then a woman came in and sharked her umbrella. The waiter walked to her and kissed her to say good morning. Suzanne pretended not to see them and opened the newspaper which was reported an actor was dead. Then she watched the horoscope for funny and noticed a person watch her. She raised head, and saw there was a woman stood on the outside, and she assumed that the woman watched her. But the woman didn't. She only watched her own reflection on the window, and hitched her skirt and straightened her stockings. At last, Suzanne drunk the coffee and went to catch the train.

2007年3月24日 星期六


Summary of Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads

The article "Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads" tells us that the parental roles have changed little by little. In the traditional concept, the women must be in the home, and the men had to work for the families. But the concept had broken in the 1970s and '80s. The male partners had begun to take more responsibility for child education. Besides, social scientists also make a study of the connection about a father's attitude and his child's well-being and development. Researchers have educated guessed that a role a father plays is very different from a mother in child's development. If a father can be in the home with his wife, their child will learn dealing with everything in different ways; even can decrease the crime rates of teenagers. In latter years, some organizations encourage fathers can be active in their children's lives. The view of the fathers' role is as important as mothers' in bringing up children is be founded in many people's concepts.

2007年3月20日 星期二

My favorite song

My favorite song is "TRIAL" which is sung by w-inds., a Japanese group. Its lyrics are about that though you fail several times, you still have to lift again and again. You may feel frustrated and want to cry as the process of pursuing the success. But if you strived more, you could achieve the goal you ran after. At the moment, the tears you weep are not for sadness but for joy.

The song always inspirits me when I feel unhappy and depressed. As I listen to "TRIAL", the words, the melody and the sound of singing make me fill with energy once more. The melody sounds very comfortable, and the voice of w-inds. really is appealing. I love the song very much, and I hope that everybody can enjoy it.


2007年3月11日 星期日

About me

My name is Shujung Yeh. I come from Kaohsiung where is a beachfront city and the weather is very hot. I usually went to the beach with friends or families when I still lived in Kaohsiung, because I enjoy seeing the sea, it make me forget temporarily everything unhappy.

Many classmates or friends think about me is a quiet girl even apartness and difficult to get along as they don't know me. But when they grow to understand me, everyone always say "I really didn't know you are so easygoing and kind." I do love making friends and smiling. So don't be deceived by my appearance and misunderstand me anymore.

Now I'd like to talk about my interests. I enjoy watching movies, especially horrible movies. I don't feel them terrible but fun, as I see this kind of movies, I always laugh, laugh and laugh. I really don't know why, but I only know that I am really strange. Ha ha! Besides, I also love listening music, drawing, taking a photograph, watching Japanese dramas...etc.

At last I want to talk about my goal. I love learning languages, especially English and Japanese. In this class, I want to learn more writing skills and how to write smoother. I think it is very important, because learning more writing skills and words can make us be understood easily. I will learn hard in this two language, and I know they will help me in the future.