2007年3月31日 星期六

Amelia Bedelia

"Amelia Bedelia"is written by Peggy Parish. There is a couple, the Rogers. One day, they went out after making a list of housework to Amelia Bedelia. First, she wanted to make a surprise for her folks, so she made a lemon-meringue pie. Then she watched the list which wrote the thing she had to do first was changing the towels in the bathroom. She didn't know what it means, so she changed them with a scissors. And then she made many things which were from the instructions on the list. When the Rogers came home, they cried because their house was in a mess. They felt angry, but as they tasted the lemon-meringue pie she made, they seemed to forget about angry.

My favorite part is that Amelia Bedelia dressed the steak and chicken by ribbons not by sauce. It really looks very funny.

My reflection about this story is that when witting something to others, we have to write more clearly. Don't make misunderstanding to anyone.
