2007年3月24日 星期六


Summary of Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads

The article "Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads" tells us that the parental roles have changed little by little. In the traditional concept, the women must be in the home, and the men had to work for the families. But the concept had broken in the 1970s and '80s. The male partners had begun to take more responsibility for child education. Besides, social scientists also make a study of the connection about a father's attitude and his child's well-being and development. Researchers have educated guessed that a role a father plays is very different from a mother in child's development. If a father can be in the home with his wife, their child will learn dealing with everything in different ways; even can decrease the crime rates of teenagers. In latter years, some organizations encourage fathers can be active in their children's lives. The view of the fathers' role is as important as mothers' in bringing up children is be founded in many people's concepts.

1 則留言:

Tracy 提到...

I am Tracy. It seems like you spent lots of time to write summary,especial type it on the blog. Well done.
I can understand what you are trying to talk about,but as I know, when we wrote summary,we can't put personal emotion in the article. I know it's hard to do,and I also practiced it.About your summary, I think there are not big promlem here. However,in the end, I can't see your opinion very clearly.
That's the little mistakes I think, if you think the way I say is wrong. It's ok, we talk about it!
Yurong Chiou

P.S Out homework should includ the story,right?